Ninja Cards Shark Tank Board

Ninja Cards Entrepreneurs Ken Haton and Dustin Berk pitch the sharks on Shark Tank this Friday on ABC with their custom Ninja Cards Shark Tank Board that they made just for the show.  The Shark Tank Ninja Entrepreneurs created this game from throwing hotel key cards in their hotel room while they were on work trips together.  Dustin later came up with the idea for a board for the cards to be thrown into, and thus Ninja Cards was born.  They started off by spray painting the foam boards in their garage to make the card throwing game, and later added custom ninja cards and different designs for their Ninja Card Throwing Game. After the boards were made they would test out the product by throwing parties where the Ninja Cards Board would be set up in the garage or backyard.  Often these Ninja Cards parties would go very late into the morning because their friends just couldn't stop playing it.  It was now time to take the product to market and test the demand for the first card throwing game ever!

The first stop on the tour was the Chicago Toy Fair, it was the Ninja Card entrepreneurs debut into the toy market.  Within the first hours the Ninja Card Throwers got offered a licensing deal from a very large and respectable toy company.  They continued with Toy Fairs in New York and local swap meets in Dustin's home town of Irvine, Ca.  After a few years of hitting the road and redesigning the board countless times over the Ninja Card entrepreneurs finally decided it was time to see if their product could get some funding from the sharks on Shark Tank.  So the custom Ninja Cards Shark Tank Board was created and the outcome of it all can be viewed on Shark Tank on ABC this Friday at 9/8c! 


Ninja Cards Shark Tank Board, Shark Tank Ninja Deal, Ninjas Pitch Sharks, Ninja Cards Air on Shark Tank